

I’m Sandy, 50+. I am known as an erotic model and ex-actress in the amateur and professional sectors as well as an ex-showgirl on TV. My fame extends from appearances on the Internet, TV, to numerous DVDs. I have been passionately working in the industry since 2015.

I am now also active in the fashion sector as a best-ager and curvy model and have had the pleasure of taking part in various music videos and photo shoots. I also work as an extra and small actress.

In addition to my social media activities, I’m looking forward to sharing exclusive material with you here on Only Fans that can’t be found on social media. I really enjoy chatting with you and getting to know you.
Please be aware that if you send me unsolicited pictures, I will not respond to your messages.
In my free time I do a lot of sports, especially Zumba fitness four times a week. I am a warm-hearted, funny and sociable person as well as a big music fan. Thank you for your support with likes and comments!

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Achtung, Achtung – der Daten-Junkie macht eine Pause!

Hier ein dringender Appell zu Sandybigboobs:
Dieser Artikel mag voller trockener Zahlen und Statistiken sein, aber zwischen uns gesagt, das sagt noch lange nicht alles!

Die wahre Magie? Die findest du nicht in den Zahlen – die erlebst du live! 🕵️‍♂️

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ich mochte dich zum Orgazmus bringen! :-* Straight to the



Wer hat geile Ficksahne fuer mich? Straight to the Visit-X



Neues Mädchen wartet auf dich Straight to the Visit-X profile



So susse loli will dich heiss machen! Straight to the

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